(Click photo for an important Public Service Announcement)
About me
In 2020, we were looking to move from our apartment in Northeast Minneapolis & find a place to start a family. We hoped to find a community that we could grow in. Somewhere fun, lively, but also had the feeling of a small town. Robbinsdale was the perfect mix of everything we hoped to find. We enjoy being able to involved in the hustle & bustle, but still return to a nice quiet & safe neighborhood.
We now have two children, plus our cat & dog. We enjoy our walks around town, including to 'Main Street’ & supporting our local small businesses.
I personally am an avid user of our local parks, trails, & lakes. I am also a local small business owner, specializing in Investment Real Estate services across the Twin Cities metro area.
I am an active member of the Robbinsdale Chamber of Commerce, as well as the NE Minneapolis Italian Amercian Club non-profit.
Key initiatives
Electric Rapid Busses on Bottineau Boulevard instead of rail
Update & enhance all pedestrian crossings along Bottineau Boulevard to improve the pedestrian experience for walkers & cyclists, better connecting both sides of ‘town’
Increase the promotion of downtown Robbinsdale through new events, creating more organic community engagement for residents
Continue Robbinsdale’s redevelopment based upon the strong small business fundamentals which have already been well established & preserved
Invest in & continue to enhance our public spaces, parks, trails, & their overall connectivity
Encourage more community engagement from all members, and continue to build upon on Robbinsdale’s most guiding asset; our social diversity
Support local initiatives & officials who provide Robbinsdale residents with ongoing Public Safety